This ministry, founded and led by Mary Ann Bridgwater, develops and provides Prayer Guides, Bible Studies, and other Prayer tools and resources to teach and engage the Local Church to pray the Word of God.

After 35 years, Mary Ann continues consulting, training, equipping and assisting local churches in the greater Houston area and beyond. She leads bible studies on the subject of prayer, mobilizes and leads city-wide concerts of prayer, mobilizes communities to make intercession for Pastors Prayer summits, travels internationally to share the gospel of Jesus Christ at evangelical crusades, and so much more.

About Mary Ann

Mary Ann Bridgwater, Founder and President of Pray the Word Ministries, is very committed to expanding and enhancing prayer activity in her community, our nation, and throughout the world. A frequent speaker and prayer consultant, her passion is leading others to experience a prayer life where they walk in the awareness of the presence of a Holy God. . .

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Praying the word of God

What is praying the Word of God?

Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12 NIV). When we take the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God and pray Scriptures  to God, it is very powerful in its effect (James 5:16 CSB).

Our P-R-A-Y acronym is the foundation of all our prayer tools and resources to teach others how to pray the Word of God.

P- Praise & Thanksgiving

R- Repentance

A- Asking

Y- Yielding

Praise the Lord God by prayerfully acknowledging Him for who He is and worshiping Him in thanksgiving for all He has done, all that He is doing and all He will do.

Take some time for personal Repentance – asking God to search your heart and turning away from any known sin or hidden faults.  “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous, forgiving us our sins and cleansing us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9 NET). 

Ask the Lord by making your request known to Him and “it will be given to you” (Matthew 7:7a NKJV). “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us . . . we know that we have what we ask of Him” (1 John 5:14-15 NIV). 

Yield yourself by submitting and wholeheartedly devoting yourself  to all God speaks to you through the powerful working of His Word! “Not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42b).

PRayer Ministries

Along with teaching the Church how to pray the Word of God, Mary Ann has developed several prayer ministries from the revelation of God and personally equipped and trained local churches on how to implement these ministries in their church.

These ministries include:

  • Building a House of Prayer

  • Set Me Apart Consecration Ministry

  • Missionary Prayer Ministry

  • Staff Intercessory Prayer Ministry

  • Praying During Worship Services

Consulting and prayer training

An important part of Pray the Word Ministries is to consult with and train individuals, churches, and ministries.

Mary Ann has over 30 years of experience consulting with churches and training them to pray the Word of God.

Here are the areas she provides consulting and prayer training:

  • Churches in Transition

  • Prayer Ministries

  • Christian Leaders

Mobilizing the church

Mobilizing communities, local churches, cities, and the world-wide church is a vital mission.

The goal in mobilization is to equip the local and global church to pray the Word of God and have an intimate relationship with Him.

Pray the Word Ministries seeks to mobilize the church in these ways:

  • Provide prayer support and consulting to local churches, individuals, and worldwide ministries

  • Reach across denominational lines and teach the power of prayer

  • Provide effective resources and tools for individuals to learn a lifestyle of praying the Word of God and teach others 

  • Mobilize church leaders to intercede in local, national, and international prayer events

  • Mobilize and assemble communities for city-wide prayer gatherings  

Working Partners

Pray the Word Ministries has built long-lasting partnerships with many local churches and organizations in order to mobilize the Houston-community for prayer and outreach.

These are the churches and para-church organizations that we have partnered with in the last twenty years: